Kappas physical features
It is said generally their age is from 3 to 10 years old. Height is from 60cm to 1m.Weight is about 45kg. The figure is slim and looks like a monkey. Hair grows on the whole body. When a kappa goes into water, this hair will disappear. Body color is blue-yellow. Body smells fishy. A plate with a depth of 3cm is at the top of the head. And water is contained in this plate. If it were not for water in this plate, kappa lost their power. Their eye is round and glitters. The Back teeth are sharp like a tortoise. And they are four upper and lower side. Kappa has a shell in his back. Kappa s shell has a line but tortoises doesnt so kappas shell is different from totoises. They have a soft muscle line in their side. This is kappas weak point . So if it is gripped, kappa cant move. They have webs so they are good at swimming. They can move their arms from right to left and left to right freely and make their arms and legs put into their shells. When their arms was cut, they can make a medicine which can combine them. They have three anuses. And the end of hip stick out 5cm. When they are killed they brake wind. The wind smells.
Last updated 6-Dec-2001